How To Make A Positive Change In Your Life

Today we are joined on our 15 Minute Morning Show by life coach, Dan Mason.

"if you're waiting for the pandemic and political protests to end before you decide that youre going to take control of your life and be happy, it's not a good place to be... life is what's happening in the present moment. One of the best ways to cultivate more happiness in your life is to stop chasing it. Make it a conversation of how I cultivate more meaning," Dan tells the morning show.

1 - relationships - the quality of your life is directly proportional to the quality of your relationships

2- giving- is a game changer, our bodies are designed to do the right thing when we do an act of kindness with feel good chemicals

3 - purpose - having a meaningful pursuit, many people have rationalized a job they don't like anymore - does the work light you up?

Dan is hosting a complimentary online masterclass on Monday, January 18th just for Elvis Duran listeners called Reboot Your Life: 5 Steps to 10X Your Success, Abundance, and Joy (no matter what is happening in the world). Register at Dan’s website

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